Tutorial on mapping results into shape space
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Shape space for a growing leaf is computed from a set of labelled leaf outlines - see AAMToolbox. Each outline is captured by a set of landmarks placed around the leaf. To project the output from the GFtbox into a shape space requires landmarks to be placed around the model leaf at corresponding position. In the case of leaves there is a GFtbox function
which is tailored to the Arabidopsis leaf. It could be adapted to suit other shapes.
>> help leaf_profile_monitor function m=leaf_profile_monitor(m,realtime,RegionLabels,Morphogens,start_figno) monitor morphogen levels at a set of vertices m, mesh RegionLabels, vertices to be monitored as designated by cell array of strings, i.e. region labels Morphogens, cell array of strings, i.e. uppercase morphogen names to be monitored. There should be one RegionLabels string for each Morphogens string Vertlabels, if true then display vertex numbers in each regionlabel on the mesh default false start_figno, default figure 1 (Must open a fig even if just monitoring to file) e.g. monitor properties of vertices m=leaf_profile_monitor(m,... % essential 'REGIONLABELS',{'V_PROFILE1','V_PROFILE2'},... % essential 'MORPHOGENS',{'S_LEFTRIGHT','S_CENTRE'},... % optional (one element per REGIONLABEL) 'VERTLABELS',false,'FigNum',1,'EXCEL',true,'MODELNAME',modelname); % optional (file in snapshots directory')
leaf_profile_monitor is called from the Gftbox interaction function. It writes a DataXXX.mat file, where XXX corresponds to the model step time stamp, to the project directory in ./snapshots.
We now need to convert these DataXXX.mat files into the format read by the AAMToolbox. The function that converts our growing leaf shapes is
which like leaf_profile_monitor is tailored to the Arabidopsis leaf and the AAMToolbox Arabidopsis leaf template but could be adapted to other shapes.
[tempprojectpath, aamModelType] = fileparts(Cwd); projectname='GPT_leafFromBullet_20121017'; %projectpath='D:\ab\Matlab stuff'; projectpath='K:\Paul\Karen\growthModels'; [FileName,PathNameA] = uigetfile(fullfile('..','*.m'),... 'Select GFtbox project interaction function m file',fullfile(projectpath,projectname,[lower(projectname),'.m'])) ;
kparKperModel requires three inputs, 1) The Gftbox project name, 2) The AAMToolbox project location and 3) the location of the Gftbox interaction function. This function should write xxx_pm.mat files into the ./pointmodels directory in the AAMToolbox project. These xxx_pm.mat files can be added to an exisiting AAMToolbox project or used to create a new project.
Based on the GFtbox project GPT_ArLeaf_110323A that computes leaf growth corresponding to experimental observations analysed in PRJ_???