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Have you seen the original paintings? Do they exist?.
Computational biology
Growing complex biological shapes from patterns of gene expression
Viewing three dimensional volume (microscopy) images
Analysing shapes: faces, leaves and flowers

Have you seen the original paintings? Do they exist?.
Vision: MSER's, extrema, filter-banks, Sieves and Scale-space
Applications' of non-linear filter banks (sieves) and the art of light and shade
These images were produced from photographs using ArtMaster (formally known as PhotoArtMaster). The software received many favourable reviews when it was released (e.g. "This software can give you a lot of satisfaction from your everyday photos", [1]
The final (so far unpublished) version of ArtMaster including code is downloadable from here. I cannot provide support but quite of lot of documentation is available within 'this document
Reaction-diffusion and morphogenesis - the growth of shapes
This image forms part of a 'journey' in the Science Museum of London's 'Journeys of Invention' iPad app.