Algorithms file level help
function [varargout] = bezlib_bezcurve(varargin) Calculates the points along a Bezier curve. Inputs: ctrl_pts - the control points for the Bezier t - the parameterization (time in this case) Outputs: bpts - the xy points along the Bezier curve defined by ctrl_pts at time t. Example: x = linspace(-1,1,100); y = x.^3 + randn(size(x))/5; pts = [x(:), y(:)]; cpts = bezlib_bezierfitlms('pts', pts, 'order', 4); bpts = bezlib_bezcurve('ctrl_pts', cpts, 't', [0:0.001:1]); See also: bezlib_bezierfitlms Dr. A. I. Hanna (2005) revised. J. Strasser 22/08/2007
function varargout = bezlib_bezdisp(varargin) Plots the result of bezlib_bezierfitlms Inputs: 'pts' - the original noisy data points 'ctrl_pts' - the control points generated by bezlib_bezierfitlms 'parent' - the axis to draw to (default = gca) Outputs: 'ph' - the plot handles to the data cpts = bezlib_bezierfitlms('verbose', 1); bezlib_plotbezslopes('cpts', cpts, 'parent', gca); See also: bezlib_bezierfitlms, bezlib_bezcurve Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007) revised. J. Strasser 22/08/2007
function [varargout] = bezlib_bezierfitlms(varargin) Calculates the control points for a Bezier curve given some data using a least mean square approach. Note it is important that the point be ordered in terms of a parameterization, i.e. arc length or time. Unordered points will result in a poor fit. Inputs: pts - the Nx2 data that the Bezier should fit to (default = 100 points for a cubic polynomial) order - the order of the Bezier curve (default = 3) verbose - display any output (default = 0) Outputs: cpts - a set of Mx2 control points Example: cla; bezlib_bezierfitlms('verbose', 1); Example: cla; x = linspace(-1,1,100); y = x.^3 + randn(size(x))/5; pts = [x(:), y(:)]; cpts = bezlib_bezierfitlms('pts', pts, 'order', 4, 'verbose', 1); bezlib_plotbezslopes('cpts', cpts, 'parent', gca); Example: cla; x = linspace(-2,2,100); y = x.^2 + randn(size(x))/5; z = x + y; pts = [x(:), y(:), z(:)]; cpts = bezlib_bezierfitlms('pts', pts, 'order', 4, 'verbose', 1); bezlib_plotbezslopes('cpts', cpts, 'parent', gca); See also: bezlib_bezcurve, bezlib_plotbezslopes, bezlib_bezdisp Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006) revised. J. Strasser 22/08/2007
function varargout = bezlib_plotbezslopes(varargin) Plots the slopes of the control points for a bezier curve Inputs: 'cpts' - the control points 'parent' - the axis to draw to (default = gca) Outputs: 'ph' - the plot handles to the slopes cpts = bezlib_bezierfitlms('verbose', 1); bezlib_plotbezslopes('cpts', cpts, 'parent', gca); See also: bezlib_bezierfitlms, bezlib_bezcurve Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007) revised. J. Strasser 22/08/2007
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\MeshGeneration\Mesh2d v2.1
CONNECTIVITY: Assemble connectivity data for a triangular mesh. The edge based connectivity is built for a triangular mesh and the boundary nodes identified. This data should be useful when implementing FE/FV methods using triangular meshes. [e,te,et2,bnd] = connectivity(p,t); p : Nx2 array of nodes coordinates, [x1,y1; x2,y2; etc] t : Mx3 array of triangles as indices, [n11,n12,n13; n21,n22,n23; etc] e : Kx2 array of unique mesh edges - [n11,n12; n21,n22; etc] te : Mx3 array of triangles as indices into E, [e11,e12,e13; e21,e22,e23; etc] e2t : Kx2 array of triangle neighbours for unique mesh edges - [t11,t12; t21,t22; etc]. Each row has two entries corresponding to the triangle numbers associated with each edge in E. Boundary edges have e2t(i,2)=0. bnd : Nx1 logical array identifying boundary nodes. P(i,:) is a boundary node if BND(i)=TRUE. See also MESH2D, REFINE
Mesh2d is a MATLAB toolbox designed to automatically generate quality 2D unstructured triangular meshes based on linear geometry inputs. Mesh2d is Copyright (C) 2007 Darren Engwirda. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. If you use Mesh2d in any program or publication, please inform and acknowledge its author Darren Engwirda (
INPOLY: Point-in-polygon testing. Determine whether a series of points lie within the bounds of a polygon in the 2D plane. General non-convex, multiply-connected polygonal regions can be handled. SHORT SYNTAX: in = inpoly(p,node); p : The points to be tested as an Nx2 array [x1 y1; x2 y2; etc]. node: The vertices of the polygon as an Mx2 array [X1 Y1; X2 Y2; etc]. The standard syntax assumes that the vertices are specified in consecutive order. in : An Nx1 logical array with IN(i) = TRUE if P(i,:) lies within the region. LONG SYNTAX: [in,on] = inpoly(p,node,edge); edge: An Mx2 array of polygon edges, specified as connections between the vertices in NODE: [n1 n2; n3 n4; etc]. The vertices in NODE do not need to be specified in connsecutive order when using the extended syntax. on : An Nx1 logical array with ON(i) = TRUE if P(i,:) lies on a polygon edge. (A tolerance is used to deal with numerical precision, so that points within a distance of eps^0.8*norm(node(:),inf) from a polygon edge are considered "on" the edge. EXAMPLE: polydemo; % Will run a few examples See also INPOLYGON
MESH2D: 2D unstructured triangular mesh generation. A 2D unstructured triangular mesh is generated based on a piecewise- linear geometry input. An iterative method is implemented to optimise mesh quality. General multiply connected domains and element size functions can be specified. Returns the final coordinates of the nodes P, and their triangulation T (with a counter-clockwise node ordering). SHORT SYNTAX: [p,t] = mesh2d(node); NODE defines the geometry nodes as an Nx2 array: node = [x1 y1; x2 y2; etc], geometry nodes specified in consectutive order, such that NODE(2,:) is joined with NODE(1,:) etc. An element size function is automatically generated based on the complexity of the geometry. Generally this produces meshes with the fewest number of triangles. LONG SYNTAX: [p,t] = mesh2d(node,edge,hdata,options); Blank arguments can be passed using the empty placeholder "[]". EDGE defines the connectivity between the points in NODE as a list of edges: edge = [n1 n2; n2 n3; etc], connectivity between nodes to form geometry edges. If EDGE is specified it is not required that NODE be consectutive. HDATA is a structure containing user defined element size information. HDATA can include the following fields: hdata.hmax = h0; Max allowable global element size. hdata.edgeh = [e1,h1; e2,h2; etc]; Element size on specified geometry edges. = 'fun' or @fun; User defined size function. hdata.args = {arg1, arg2, etc}; Additional arguments for HDATA.FUN. Calls to user specified functions must accept vectorised input of the form H = FUN(X,Y,ARGS{:}), where X,Y are the xy coordinates where the element size will be evaluated and ARGS are optional additional arguments as passed by HDATA.ARGS. An automatic size function is always generated to ensure that the geometry is adequately resolved. The overall size function is the minimum of the user specified and automatic functions. OPTIONS is a structure array that allows some of the "tuning" parameters used in the solver to be modified: options.mlim : The convergence tolerance. The maximum percentage change in edge length per iteration must be less than MLIM { 0.05, 5% }. options.maxit : The maximum allowable number of iterations { 20 }. options.dhmax : The maximum allowable (relative) gradient in the size function { 0.3 }. options.output : Displays the mesh and the mesh statistics upon completion { TRUE }. EXAMPLE: meshdemo % Will run the standard demos mesh_collection(n) % Will run some additional demos See also REFINE, SMOOTHMESH, DELAUNAYN
MESH_COLLECTION: Collection of meshing examples from MESH2D users. mesh_collection(n) will run the nth example. 1. Simple square domain. Used for "driven cavity" CFD studies. 2. Rectangular domain with circular hole. Used in thermally coupled CFD studies to examine the flow around a heated pipe. 3. Rectangular domain with circular hole and user defined size functions. Used in a CFD study to examine vortex shedding about cylinders. 4. Rectangular domain with 2 circular holes and user defined size functions. Used in a CFD study to examine the unsteady flow between cylinders. 5. Rectangular domain with square hole and user defined size functions. Used in a CFD study to examine vortex shedding about square prisms. 6. 3 element airfoil with user defined size functions and boundary layer size functions. Used in a CFD study to examin the lift/drag characteristics. 7. U shaped domain. 8. Rectangular domain with step. Used for "backward facing step" CFD studies. 9. NACA airfoil with boundary layer size functions. Used in a CFD study to examine the lift/drag vs. alpha characteristics. 10. Wavy channel from Kong Zour. Used in a CFD study to examine unsteady behaviour. 11. Tray of glass beads from Falk Hebe. Used in a CFD study to examine the flow through past a collection of beads. 12. Coastline data from Francisco Garcia. PLEASE NOTE! This is a very complex example and takes a bit of processing time (40 sec on my machine). I am always looking for new meshes to add to the collection, if you would like to contribute please send me an email with an m-file description of the NODE, EDGE, HDATA and OPTIONS used to setup the mesh. Darren Engwirda : 2006-2007 Email :
Demo function for mesh2d. Feel free to "borrow" any of the geometries for your own use. Example: meshdemo; % Runs the demos Darren Engwirda - 2006
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\MeshGeneration\Mesh2d v2.1\private
FIXMESH Remove duplicated/unused nodes and fix element orientation. [P,T]=FIXMESH(P,T)
REFINE: Refine triangular meshes. Quadtree triangle refinement is performed, with each triangle split into four sub-triangles. The new triangles are created by joining nodes introduced at the edge midpoints. The refinement is "quality" preserving, with the aspect ratio of the sub-triangles being equal to that of the parent. UNIFORM REFINEMENT: [p,t] = refine(p,t); p : Nx2 array of nodal XY coordinates, [x1,y1; x2,y2; etc] t : Mx3 array of triangles as indices, [n11,n12,n13; n21,n22,n23; etc] NON-UNIFORM REFINEMENT: Non-uniform refinement can also be performed by specifying which triangles are to be refined. Quadtree refinement is performed on specified triangles. Neighbouring triangles are also refined in order to preserve mesh compatibility. These triangles are refined using bi-section. [p,t] = refine(p,t,ti); ti : Mx1 logical array, with Ti(k) = TRUE if kth triangle is to be refined Functions defined on the nodes in P can also be refined using linear interpolation through an extra input: [p,t,f] = refine(p,t,ti,f); f : NxK array of nodal function values. Each column in F corresponds to a dependent function, F(:,1) = F1(P), F(:,2) = F2(P), etc. It is often useful to smooth the refined mesh using SMOOTHMESH. Generally this will improve element quality. Example: [p,t] = refine(p,t,ti); See also SMOOTHMESH, MESH2D
SMOOTHMESH: Smooth a triangular mesh using Laplacian smoothing. Laplacian smoothing is an iterative process that generally leads to an improvement in the quality of the elements in a triangular mesh. [p,t] = smoothmesh(p,t); p : Nx2 array of nodal XY coordinates, [x1,y1; x2,y2; etc]. t : Mx3 array of triangles as indices, [n11,n12,n13; n21,n22,n23; etc]. maxit : Maximum allowable iterations. tol : Convergence tolerance (Percentage change in edge length must be less than TOL). If MAXIT or TOL are left empty the default values MAXIT = 20 and TOL = 0.01 are used. EXAMPLE: [p,t] = smoothmesh(p,t,10,0.05); See also MESH2D, REFINE
BOUNDEDGES Find boundary edges from triangular mesh E=BOUNDEDGES(P,T)
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
DISTMESH2D 2-D Mesh Generator using Distance Functions. [P,T]=DISTMESH2D(FD,FH,H0,BBOX,PFIX,FPARAMS) P: Node positions (Nx2) T: Triangle indices (NTx3) FD: Distance function d(x,y) FH: Scaled edge length function h(x,y) H0: Initial edge length BBOX: Bounding box [xmin,ymin; xmax,ymax] PFIX: Fixed node positions (NFIXx2) FPARAMS: Additional parameters passed to FD and FH Example: (Uniform Mesh on Unit Circle) fd=inline('sqrt(sum(p.^2,2))-1','p'); [p,t]=distmesh2d(fd,@huniform,0.2,[-1,-1;1,1],[]); Example: (Rectangle with circular hole, refined at circle boundary) fd=inline('ddiff(drectangle(p,-1,1,-1,1),dcircle(p,0,0,0.5))','p'); fh=inline('min(4*sqrt(sum(p.^2,2))-1,2)','p'); [p,t]=distmesh2d(fd,fh,0.05,[-1,-1;1,1],[-1,-1;-1,1;1,-1;1,1]); See also: MESHDEMO2D, DISTMESHND, DELAUNAYN, TRIMESH.
DISTMESHND N-D Mesh Generator using Distance Functions. [P,T]=DISTMESHND(FDIST,FH,H,BOX,FIX,FDISTPARAMS) P: Node positions (NxNDIM) T: Triangle indices (NTx(NDIM+1)) FDIST: Distance function FH: Edge length function H: Smallest edge length BOX: Bounding box [xmin,xmax;ymin,ymax; ...] (NDIMx2) FIX: Fixed node positions (NFIXxNDIM) FDISTPARAMS: Additional parameters passed to FDIST Example: Unit ball dim=3; d=inline('sqrt(sum(p.^2,2))-1','p'); [p,t]=distmeshnd(d,@huniform,0.2,[-ones(1,dim);ones(1,dim)],[]); See also: DISTMESH2D, DELAUNAYN, TRIMESH, MESHDEMOND.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
FIXMESH Remove duplicated/unused nodes and fix element orientation. [P,T]=FIXMESH(P,T)
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
MESHDEMO2d Distmesh2d examples.
MESHDEMOND distmeshnd examples.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
SIMPQUAL Simplex quality. Q=SIMPQUAL(P,T,TYPE) TYPE == 1: Radius Ratio (default) TYPE == 2: Approximate
SIMPVOL Simplex volume. V=SIMPVOL(P,T)
SURFTRI Find surface triangles from tetrahedra mesh TRI=SURFTRI(P,T)
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Per-Olof Persson. See COPYRIGHT.TXT for details.
DISPLAY Display array. DISPLAY(X) is called for the object X when the semicolon is not used to terminate a statement. For example, X = inline('sin(x)') calls DISPLAY(X) while X = inline('sin(x)'); does not. A typical implementation of DISPLAY calls DISP to do most of the work and looks as follows. Note that DISP does not display empty arrays. function display(X) if isequal(get(0,'FormatSpacing'),'compact') disp([inputname(1) ' =']); disp(X); else disp(' '); disp([inputname(1) ' =']); disp(' '); disp(X); end See also INPUTNAME, DISP, EVALC.
Overloaded methods: opaque/display sfit/display tree/display PointModelTemplate/display AAM_Element/display AAM/display avifile/display VideoReader/display cdfepoch/display inline/display timer/display serial/display ftp/display tscollection/display timeseries/display SimTimeseries/display phytree/display zpk/display tf/display ss/display realp/display pidstd/display pid/display loopswitch/display genss/display genmat/display genfrd/display daqdevice/display daqchild/display distributed/display codistributor2dbc/display codistributor1d/display codistributed/display gpuArray/display qfft/display vdspdebug/display eclipseide/display ccsrtdx/display ccsdebug/display imaqdevice/display imaqchild/display iviconfigurationstore/display icgroup/display instrument/display network/display frd/display cvtest/display cvdata/display dataset/display categorical/display vrworld/display vrnode/display vrfigure/display piecewisedistribution/display gmdistribution/display classregtree/display ProbDist/display NaiveBayes/display sym/display
Reference page in Help browser doc display
function printtree(s) A simple method that shows the general structure of your tree Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
Overloaded methods: tree/drawtree
GET Get object properties. V = GET(H,'PropertyName') returns the value of the specified property for the graphics object with handle H. If H is a vector of handles, then get will return an M-by-1 cell array of values where M is equal to length(H). If 'PropertyName' is replaced by a 1-by-N or N-by-1 cell array of strings containing property names, then GET will return an M-by-N cell array of values. GET(H) displays all property names and their current values for the graphics object with handle H. V = GET(H) where H is a scalar, returns a structure where each field name is the name of a property of H and each field contains the value of that property. V = GET(0, 'Factory') V = GET(0, 'Factory<ObjectType>') V = GET(0, 'Factory<ObjectType><PropertyName>') returns for all object types the factory values of all properties which have user-settable default values. V = GET(H, 'Default') V = GET(H, 'Default<ObjectType>') V = GET(H, 'Default<ObjectType><PropertyName>') returns information about default property values (H must be scalar). 'Default' returns a list of all default property values currently set on H. 'Default<ObjectType>' returns only the defaults for properties of <ObjectType> set on H. 'Default<ObjectType><PropertyName>' returns the default value for the specific property, by searching the defaults set on H and its ancestors, until that default is found. If no default value for this property has been set on H or any ancestor of H up through the root, then the factory value for that property is returned. Defaults can not be queried on a descendant of the object, or on the object itself - for example, a value for 'DefaultAxesColor' can not be queried on an axes or an axes child, but can be queried on a figure or on the root. When using the 'Factory' or 'Default' GET, if PropertyName is omitted then the return value will take the form of a structure in which each field name is a property name and the corresponding value is the value of that property. If PropertyName is specified then a matrix or string value will be returned. See also SET, RESET, DELETE, GCF, GCA, FIGURE, AXES.
Overloaded methods: tree/get VolViewer/get PointModelTemplate/get AAM_Element/get AAM/get avifile/get scribehgobj/get scribehandle/get hgbin/get framerect/get figobj/get celltext/get cellline/get axistext/get axisobj/get axischild/get arrowline/get timer/get serial/get hgsetget/get RandStream/get COM/get tscollection/get timeseries/get phytree/get daqdevice/get daqchild/get qfft/get imaqdevice/get imaqchild/get iviconfigurationstore/get icgroup/get icdevice/get instrument/get InputOutputModel/get opcond.get dataset/get fdspec/get fdmeas/get fdline/get fdax/get vrworld/get vrnode/get vrfigure/get
Reference page in Help browser doc get
--- help for daqchild/getdata ---
GETDATA Return acquired data samples from engine to MATLAB workspace. DATA = GETDATA(OBJ) returns the number of samples specified in the SamplesPerTrigger property of analog input object OBJ. DATA is a M-by-N matrix where M is the number of samples returned and N is the number of channels in OBJ. OBJ must be a 1-by-1 analog input object. DATA = GETDATA(OBJ, SAMPLES) returns the specified number, SAMPLES, of data. [DATA, TIME] = GETDATA(OBJ) returns the number of samples specified in the SamplesPerTrigger property of analog input object OBJ in time-value pairs. TIME is a M-by-1 matrix where M is the number of samples returned. [DATA, TIME] = GETDATA(OBJ,SAMPLES) returns the specified number, SAMPLES, of data in time-value pairs. DATA = GETDATA(OBJ, SAMPLES, TYPE) [DATA, TIME] = GETDATA(OBJ, SAMPLES, TYPE) allows for DATA to be returned as the data type specified by the string TYPE. TYPE can either be 'double', for data to be returned as doubles, or 'native', for data to be returned in its native data type. If TYPE is not specified, 'double' is used as the default. [DATA, TIME, ABSTIME] = GETDATA(...) returns the absolute time ABSTIME of the trigger, which can also be found in OBJ's InitialTriggerTime property. ABSTIME is returned as a CLOCK vector. [DATA, TIME, ABSTIME, EVENTS] = GETDATA(...) returns the structure EVENTS which contains a log of events associated with OBJ. GETDATA is a blocking function that returns execution control to the MATLAB workspace once the requested number of samples become available. OBJ's SamplesAvailable property will automatically be reduced by the number of samples returned by GETDATA. If the requested number of samples is greater than the samples to be acquired, then an error is returned. TIME=0 is defined as the point at which data logging begins, i.e., OBJ's Logging property is set to 'On'. TIME is measured continuously, in seconds, with respect to 0 until the acquisition is stopped, i.e., OBJ's Running property is set to 'Off'. If GETDATA returns data from multiple triggers, the data from each trigger is separated by a NaN. This will increase the length of DATA and TIME by the number of triggers. If multiple triggers occur, ABSTIME, is the absolute time of the first trigger. It is possible to issue a ^C (Control-C) while GETDATA is blocking. This will not stop the acquisition but will return control to MATLAB. See also DAQHELP, FLUSHDATA, GETSAMPLE, PEEKDATA, PROPINFO.
Overloaded methods: analoginput/getdata imaqdevice/getdata
printtree( t, indent ) Print a tree whose leaves are integers.
Overloaded methods: tree/printtree
SET Set object properties. SET(H,'PropertyName',PropertyValue) sets the value of the specified property for the graphics object with handle H. H can be a vector of handles, in which case SET sets the properties' values for all the objects. SET(H,a) where a is a structure whose field names are object property names, sets the properties named in each field name with the values contained in the structure. SET(H,pn,pv) sets the named properties specified in the cell array of strings pn to the corresponding values in the cell array pv for all objects specified in H. The cell array pn must be 1-by-N, but the cell array pv can be M-by-N where M is equal to length(H) so that each object will be updated with a different set of values for the list of property names contained in pn. SET(H,'PropertyName1',PropertyValue1,'PropertyName2',PropertyValue2,...) sets multiple property values with a single statement. Note that it is permissible to use property/value string pairs, structures, and property/value cell array pairs in the same call to SET. A = SET(H, 'PropertyName') SET(H,'PropertyName') returns or displays the possible values for the specified property of the object with handle H. The returned array is a cell array of possible value strings or an empty cell array if the property does not have a finite set of possible string values. A = SET(H) SET(H) returns or displays all property names and their possible values for the object with handle H. The return value is a structure whose field names are the property names of H, and whose values are cell arrays of possible property values or empty cell arrays. The default value for an object property can be set on any of an object's ancestors by setting the PropertyName formed by concatenating the string 'Default', the object type, and the property name. For example, to set the default color of text objects to red in the current figure window: set(gcf,'DefaultTextColor','red') Defaults can not be set on a descendant of the object, or on the object itself - for example, a value for 'DefaultAxesColor' can not be set on an axes or an axes child, but can be set on a figure or on the root. Three strings have special meaning for PropertyValues: 'default' - use default value (from nearest ancestor) 'factory' - use factory default value 'remove' - remove default value. See also GET, RESET, DELETE, GCF, GCA, FIGURE, AXES.
Overloaded methods: BioSeq/set BioRead/set BioMap/set tree/set VolViewer/set PointModelTemplate/set AAM_Element/set AAM/set avifile/set scribehgobj/set scribehandle/set framerect/set figobj/set editrect/set editline/set celltext/set cellline/set axistext/set axisobj/set axischild/set arrowline/set timer/set serial/set hgsetget/set RandStream/set COM/set tscollection/set timeseries/set phytree/set daqdevice/set daqchild/set qfft/set imaqdevice/set imaqchild/set iviconfigurationstore/set icgroup/set icdevice/set instrument/set InputOutputModel/set DynamicSystem/set opcond.set dataset/set fdspec/set fdmeas/set fdline/set fdax/set vrworld/set vrnode/set vrfigure/set
Reference page in Help browser doc set
--- help for tree/setchild ---
function T = setchild(T, indx, child) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = cllib_blurimage(varargin) Inputs 'image' - the input image 'H' - the blur mask (optional) 'hsize' - the size of the blur mask (only used if 'H' is not supplied (default = 20) 'sigma' - the std of the blur mask (only used if 'H' is not supplied (default = 10) Outputs 'bim' - the blurred image Example: I = imread('pout.tif'); bim = cllib_blurimage('image', I); subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(I); axis image; subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(bim); axis image; Example: I = imread('pout.tif'); bim = cllib_blurimage('image', I, 'hsize', 10, 'sigma', 5); subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(I); axis image; subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(bim); axis image; Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = cllib_embedImage(varargin) Inputs 'image' - the image to embed 'horiz_border' - the number of pixels padding each side of the image (default = 200) 'vert_border' - the number of pixels padding the top and bottom of the image (default = 200) 'fillval' - the fill value (default = 0) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function blurred_images = cllib_genBlurredImages(WINDOW_TREE, im, N) Generates the blurred images needed by each level in the tree defined by WINDOW_TREE. Dr. A. I. Hanna
function [varargout] = cllib_genLevelImages(varargin) Generates a series of images ready for PCA Inputs 'image' - the original input image 'N' - the number of samples to generate (default = 50) 'range' - the range of jiggle (1x2 vector) (default = [50 50]) 'subsampsz' - the sub sample size (1x2 vector) (default = [16 16]) 'hsize' - the size of the blurring filter (default = 20) 'theta' - the orientaion 'sigma' - the standard deviation of the blurring filter (default = 10) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function [varargout] = cllib_genSampleImage(varargin) Generates an image ready for PCA Inputs 'image' - the original input image 'window' - the window to look through 'range' - 1x2 range of translation of the image (default = [50 50]) 'subsampsz' - the sub sample size (1x2 vector) (default = [16 16]) 'hsize' - the size of the blurring filter (default = 20) 'sigma' - the standard deviation of the blurring filter (default = 10) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = cllib_drawImage(varargin) Inputs: 'image' - the image to draw 'text' - the title of the image 'parent' - the parent to draw to (default = gca) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = cllib_drawWindow(varargin) Initializes a window for training multi-scale hierarchical piecewise linear statistical models. Inputs: 'window' - the window to draw 'parent' - the parent to draw to (default = gca) 'schema' - the type of plot (0 = default colour, 1 = black window, 2 = dot at centroid) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function cllib_moveImagesInStack(im_handles, offset, xdata_orig, ydata_orig) Takes the handle to a set of images in a tree and moves them to the position given in offset.
function varargout = cllib_showImageStack(varargin) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2008)
function [varargout] = cllib_show_result(varargin) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function [varargout] = cllib_show_schema(varargin) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function printtree(s) A simple method that shows the general structure of your tree Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
Overloaded methods: tree/drawtree
function varargout = genParameterModel(varargin) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = generalized_hebbian(varargin) This is the generalized hebbian algorithm (GHA) as given by Haykin. In this algorithm we are performing a Gram-Schmidt ish approach to processing the data. In other words we are removing the component of the weights from the data in turn. "Neural Networks, A Comprehensive Foundation", 2nd ed, S. Haykin, page 414 Inputs: 'X' - the input data 'W' - the weight matrix 'eta' - the learning rate Outputs: 'Y' - the output from the network 'W' - the updated weight matrix Example: generalized_hebbian('demo', 1); Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = hebbian(varargin) A Matlab function that performs Hebbian learning on a data set.
function varargout = cllib_loadImage(varargin) Inputs: 'filename' - the name of the image to load 'scale' - the scale of the image to return (default = 1) Outputs: 'image' - the image Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function images = cllib_loadImagesFromDir(varargin) A method that loads a series of images from disk. Input Parametes: 'scale' - the scaling factor of the image i.e. scale = 0.5 would half the size of the image. (Images should be approx 512x512) Example 1: images = cllib_loadImagesFromDir; Example 2: images = cllib_loadImagesFromDir('scale', 0.5); Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, UEA, 2007.
function varargout = cllib_loadResult(varargin) Inputs: 'filename' - the name of the image to load Outputs: 'model' - the model Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function cllib_saveTestResult(varargin) % model is created by cllib_test cllib_saveTestResult('model', model); Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, UEA, 2007.
function model = cllib_applyLevelResponse(model, level_response, level_id) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function model = cllib_applyResidualResponse(model, level_response, level_id) Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, UEA, 2007.
function [varargout] = cllib_buildTree(varargin) Builds an empty tree ready for population by other methods in cllib. Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function cllib_build_shapp_model Builds a shapperance model. 1) Prompts user for the filename where the model should be saved on disk. 2) Asks the user to select result files generated by track_image_series. 3) To walk through the shappearance model use cllib_walk_shapp_model Example cllib_build_shapp_mod Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, UEA, 2007.
function [window_app_model] = cllib_build_window_shape_model(images) Takes a cell array of results where each Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.
function [varargout] = cllib_calcAppModel(varargin) Inputs: 'data' - a NxM matrix of input data where each column is an observation 'pc_ind' - the 1xN vector of PC indices used in the model (default = [1 2]) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = cllib_createModel(varargin) Creates and saves a model for a particular image. Usage: cllib_createModel; Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, 2008.
function [model, level_est] = cllib_estimateLevelResponses(model, level_id, test_image, model_id) Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP & JIC, 2008.
function [model] = cllib_estimateModelResponses(model, level_id, test_image) Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, UEA, Norwich, UK, 2007.
function [window] = cllib_estimateWindowResponse(img, window, model_id, levelmodel) Takes an image and a window and calculates the response given a particular model. Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = genParameterModel(varargin) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function [varargout] = cllib_test(varargin) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function [varargout] = cllib_train(varargin) Builds a tree structure at all levels by finding correlations between appreance models and response amplitudes. Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function [varargout] = cllib_trainlevel(varargin) Trains a particular level of the tree using a specified image. Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function [pm, id] = cllib_tree2pointmodel(T, level, pm, id) Given a tree it returns a matrix where each row represents the centroid of window. Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function cllib_walk_shapp_model Walks along a shappearance model that you select. 1) Prompts the user to open a shappearance model and displays a walk along the first 3 pcs from -3 SD and +3 SD. Example: cllib_walk_shapp_model Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, UEA, 2007.
function varargout = cllib_dispWindowImage(varargin) 'window' 'level_id' 'window_im' Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function T = cllib_drawInformativeWindows(T, level) Draws all the informative windows for a given tree. Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function infwins = cllib_getInformativeWindows(T, infwins, level) Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = cllib_image2windowview(varargin) 'image' 'window' Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function window = cllib_initWindow(varargin) Initializes a window for training multi-scale hierarchical piecewise linear statistical models. Inputs 'window_size' - the size of the window (1x2 vector) (default = [100 100]) 'color' - the colour of the window (1x3 vector) (default = [1 0 0]) 'sub_samp_size' - the sub sample size of this window to apply to images (default = [32 32]) 'mu' - the centroid of the window (1x2 vector) (default = [0 0]) 'mean_response' - mean response of the window, i.e. movement x, y, z (default = [0 0]) See also: splitWindow, translateWindow Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function T = cllib_moveTree(T, pos) Moves the tree to position pos Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
T = model.WINDOW_TREE;
function varargout = cllib_splitWindow(varargin) Splits a window into quarters and returns each of the subwindows Inputs 'window' - the window to be split Outputs 'subwindows' - a cell array containing the four sub windows.% See also: initWindow, translateWindow Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = cllib_splitWindow1d(varargin) Splits a window into quarters and returns each of the subwindows Inputs 'window' - the window to be split Outputs 'subwindows' - a cell array containing the four sub windows.% See also: initWindow, translateWindow Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = splitWindow2d(varargin) Splits a window into quarters and returns each of the subwindows Inputs 'window' - the window to be split Outputs 'subwindows' - a cell array containing the four sub windows.% See also: initWindow, translateWindow Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function T = cllib_translateChildren(T, level, trans) Translates all the children from T down by trans Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = cllib_translateWindow(varargin) Translates a window in the xy plane Inputs 'window' - the window to be translated 'offset' - the offset (1x2 vector) (default = [0 0]) Outputs 'window' - the translated window See also: initWindow, splitWindow Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese2d(varargin) A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to image segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and it tries to separate the image into regions based on intensities. Default parameters: 'image' - the input image (default = 'pout.tif') 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk) 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5) 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5) 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1) 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1) 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9) 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0) 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10) 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1) Example: active_contour_chan_vese2d('verbose', 1); Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007. URL: Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function varargout = active_contour_chan_vese3d(varargin) A method that implements the Chan-Vese model applied to volume segmentation. This model is a special case of the Mumford-Shah model and it tries to separate the volume into sub-volumes based on intensities. Default parameters: 'volume' - the input volume 'phi' - the initial distance function (default = circular disk) 'lambda1' - weight of energy inside the contour (default = 0.5) 'lambda2' - weight of energy outside the contour (default = 0.5) 'mu' - weighting for the length of the contour (default = 1) 'nu' - weighting of area of the contour (default = 1) 'deltaT' - step size for the update of phi (default = 0.5, note: 0.01<=deltaT<=0.9) 'verbose' - shows the evolution of the curve phi (default = 0) 'max_iter' - the maximum number of iterations to perform (default = 10) 'normforceflag' - normalizes the force term at every iteration (default = 1) Example: active_contour_chan_vese3d('verbose', 1); Paper: "Minimizing Functionals: A Level Set Approach", A. I. Hanna, School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, 2007. URL: Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
phi = load('../Results/leaf_phi_128_128_128.mat'); phi = phi.phi; phi = smooth3(phi);
function lsdemo_2d(im_opt) Usage: lsdemo_2d(opt_id); % opt_id = 1, 2, 3, 4 Dr. A. I. Hanna (2007)
function dispVolume(cdata, axish) A very very simple script to display a set of volume data Dr. A. I. Hanna (2006
function [NUM, c, L] = alglib_flo_spots(I) Segments out flo spots in images Dr. A. I. Hanna (2008)
function [NUM, c, L] = alglib_white_spots(I, I2) Segments out white spots in images Dr. A. I. Hanna (2008)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Process the cell image %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
function [bim] = segment_DAPI(varargin) A script used to segment DAPI images. Typically these images are tif images with a single channel. Dr. A. I. Hanna, CMP, 2008.
RUNME Summary of this function goes here Detailed explanation goes here
function [Y1 Y2 ... Yn] = sieve(X, options, outputs, scan, type, time) Apply recursive median datasieve to matrix X with complete control of polarity (sign of recorded granules or edges) and bias (sign of filtered extrema) at each mesh. If X is a matrix then the columns of X are sieved separately. The scan argument controls the orientation of the sieve for angles to the vertical in the range 0 to 45 degrees (all other angles can be obtained by transposing or flipping the input data matrix). The OPTIONS matrix is of size m*4 and each row contains the following data: [maxmesh polarity bias output] Thus meshes up to maxmesh are processed with the specified polarity and bias parameters, and the results are stored according to the output parameter. The polarity and bias parameters are set using: 0 : Bipolar operation. -1 : Process negative events. +1 : Process positive events. Note that polarity constraints are a subset of bias constraints - a polarity of -1 means that only negative granules are recorded (but both positive and negative extrema are processed), while a bias of -1 means that only negative extrema are processed. The output parameter specifies the number of the output argument (1 to n) or 0 for no output. The setting of the corresponding value in the OUTPUTS vector determines the form of the output. The OUTPUTS vector if a string containing the symbols 'l','b','g','e','s'. These are concatenated into a string, for example 'lbbe'. The k'th element in the string corresponds to the k'th output argument, Yk. The meaning of the symbols is as follows: 'l' : Lowpass - Lowpass image at output of mesh maxmesh 'b' : Bandpass - Bandpass image from granules at processed meshes. 'g' : Granules - Granules list from processed meshes. 'e' : Edge map - Edge map formed from granule edges and amplitudes. 's' : Sobel map - Edgemap with post processing to emulate sobel filter. The SCAN parameter is a two element vector of integers that determines the orientation of the sieving. The angle at which the sieve is applied relative to the vertical is given in terms of the input vector [k1 k2] as atan((k1+k2)/2). So for k1=k2=1, the scan is at 45 degs. For k1=1, k2=2, the scan is at 34 degs. For k1, k2 > image dimension the scan is vertical. Note that k1, k2 must be positive integers (so not all angles are possible). Normally, k1 and k2 should be equal or differ by 1. Note that the scan lines to which sieves are applied are guaranteed to be non-overlapping. However, this means that the gap between samples on a 45 degree scan is sqrt(2) times the normal sample spacing, which should be taken into account when specifying 'cut-off' meshes etc. The TYPE parameter specifies whether the data is integer or double precision. It is a string that can be set to 'int' or 'double'. If 'int' is specified, then the user is responsible for ensuring that the data range does not exceed a 32 bit signed integer. If the data is not integer than it is rounded using a 'C' cast. Integer precision is faster than double precision. Double is default. The TIME parameter is set to 1 to display elapsed user time while performing processing. It excludes memory allocation overheads. The default is 0. EXAMPLE: [Y1 Y2 Y3] = sieve(X, OPTIONS, OUTPUTS, [1 1]) with OPTIONS = [ 4 0 0 1 and OUTPUTS = 'lbb' 16 +1 0 2 32 0 0 0 64 0 0 3] returns Y1 = low pass image after initial noise reduction up to mesh 4. Y2 = bandpass image containing positive granules for meshes 5 to 16. Y3 = bandpass image containing all granules for meshes 33 to 64. using scan lines at 45 degrees to vertical. Robert Young 13 October 1994
FILE sieve2d.m AUTHOR rwy Cambridge Consultants (project leader J.A. Bangham, UEA) MODIFICATION HISTORY 1.1 02:jun:95 rwy First version submitted to SCCS. 1.2 26:jun:95 rwy Extended for open, close, M & N sieves. 1.3 27:jul:95 rwy Allows bandpass outputs & granule fusing 1.4 03:aug:95 rwy Minor revision. 1.5 09:aug:95 rwy Added granule output. 1.6 14:sep:95 rwy Added edge map output. 2.0 01/01/2013 jab Updated to 64 bit and includes additional outputs SCCS IDENTIFIER @(#)sieve2d.m 1.6 9/14/95 @(#)SIV2d.m 2.0 01/01/2013 [Y1 Y2 ... Ym] = sieve2d(X, [M1 M2 ... Mn], 'F1F2 ... Fn', [O1 O2 ... On], type, N) Perform a 2-D connected-set datasieve based on area. X : input image Mk : maximum mesh for each filter Fk : filter type (m, o, c, M or N) [default: m] Ok : output index for each filter [default: 1 for last filter] type : output type (l, b, e or f) [default: l] N : connectivity (4 or 8) [default: 4] Yj : output image from a filter The input image is processed using one or more filters Fk, applied sequentially, up to the associated maximum meshes Mk. The available filters are: m : median (maxima & minima processed in arbitrary order) o : opening (only maxima processed) c : closing (only minima processed) M : open-close (maxima then minima processed at each scale) N : close-open (minima then maxima processed at each scale) For each filter, the result may optionally be output by specifying the index of the desired output argument as the input Ok (where Ok=1 represents the first output argument). If Ok=0 then no output is generated for filter Fk. The available output types are: l : low-pass b : band-pass f : band-pass with granule fusing e : band-pass, returning edge map g : granule list where the band-pass output is the difference between the outputs of the current filter and the previous filter (or the input image) in the sequence of filters. The same output type must be used for each filter. The granule output list format is a vector containing the following data: [image_vdim image_hdim gran1_len gran1_val gran1_pos gran2_len ...] where gran?_pos is a list of the positions of the granule pels within the image (one scalar index per pel). Note that producing multiple low or band pass outputs in this way is much more efficient than calling the sieve function several times with different meshes. Memory requirements are about 18 bytes per image pel. EXAMPLES: Filter up to mesh 100 using a median sieve, and generate a low pass output: Y = sieve2d(x, 100) or Y = sieve2d(x, 100, 'm') or Y = sieve2d(x, 100, 'm', 1) or Y = sieve2d(x, 100, 'm', 1, 'l') Filter up to mesh 10 using a median sieve, then up to mesh 100 using an opening operator, and output the band pass signal between meshes 11 and 100: Y = sieve2d(x, [10 100], 'mo', [0 1], 'b') Form a sequence of low pass outputs using closing operators: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = sieve2d(x, [8 16 32 64], 'cccc', [1 2 3 4]) As above, with initial noise reduction using a median filter: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = sieve2d(x, [4 8 16 32 64], 'mcccc', [0 1 2 3 4]) As above, but producing band pass outputs with granule fusing: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = sieve2d(x, [4 8 16 32 64], 'mcccc', [0 1 2 3 4], 'f')
FILE sieve3d.m AUTHOR rwy (JAB) MODIFICATION HISTORY 1.3 Dec:1010 JAB Exploit 64 bit by extending int to __int64 It does handle 512x512x512 images but needs >8Gbytes memory to avoid being very slow input image is uint8 outputs are all double 1.1 03:aug:95 rwy jab First version submitted to SCCS. 1.2 04:aug:95 rwy Added depth resolution. SCCS IDENTIFIER @(#)sieve3d.m 1.2 8/4/95 [Y1 Y2 ... Ym] = sieve3d(X, [depth Dres], [M1 M2 ... Mn], 'F1F2 ... Fn', [O1 O2 ... On], type, N) Perform a 3-D connected-set datasieve based on volume. X : input image depth : image depth (scalar) Dres : resolution in depth dimension [default: 1] Mk : maximum mesh for each filter Fk : filter type (m, o, c, M or N) [default: m] Ok : output index for each filter [default: 1 for last filter] type : output type (l, b or f) [default: l] N : connectivity (only 6 currently) [default: 6] Yj : output image from a filter The input 3D image is supplied as a 2D matrix, X, in which the successive 2D slices at each depth are appended to the input matrix as new columns. So if the matrices for the slices are S1, S2, S3 ... Sd then: X = [S1 S2 S3 ... Sd] and depth = d Currently, 3D volumes are 6-connected using the four 4-connected pels in the same slice, and the pel in the same location within each of the two adjacent slices. The resolution in the depth dimension can be specified relative to the resolution within each slice. This is achieved by setting the Dres input parameter to an integer greater than 1, in order to simulate a depth resolution that is coarser by a factor Dres. The 'volume' of each region is increased by adding an extra Dres-1 units for each connection that exists between pels on different slices. Thus, a region of N pels all in the same slice has a volume N, while a line of N pels all on different slices has a volume N + (N-1)*(Dres-1). The input image is processed using one or more filters Fk, applied sequentially, up to the associated maximum meshes Mk. The available filters are: m : median (maxima & minima processed in arbitrary order) o : opening (only maxima processed) c : closing (only minima processed) M : open-close (maxima then minima processed at each scale) N : close-open (minima then maxima processed at each scale) For each filter, the result may optionally be output by specifying the index of the desired output argument as the input Ok (where Ok=1 represents the first output argument). If Ok=0 then no output is generated for filter Fk. The available output types are: l : low-pass b : band-pass f : band-pass with granule fusing where the band-pass output is the difference between the outputs of the current filter and the previous filter (or the input image) in the sequence of filters. The same output type must be used for each filter. Note that producing multiple low or band pass outputs in this way is much more efficient than calling the sieve function several times with different meshes. Memory requirements are about 18 bytes per image pel. EXAMPLES: Filter an image composed of 50 slices up to mesh 100 using a median sieve, and generate a low pass output: Y = sieve3d(x, 50, 100) or Y = sieve3d(x, 50, 100, 'm') or Y = sieve3d(x, 50, 100, 'm', 1) or Y = sieve3d(x, 50, 100, 'm', 1, 'l') or Y = sieve3d(x, [50 1], 100, 'm', 1, 'l') Filter up to mesh 10 using a median sieve, then up to mesh 100 using an opening operator, and output the band pass signal between meshes 11 and 100. The resolution in the depth dimension is 3 times coarser than the resolution within each slice: Y = sieve3d(x, [50 3], [10 100], 'mo', [0 1], 'b') Form a sequence of low pass outputs using closing operators: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = sieve3d(x, 50, [8 16 32 64], 'cccc', [1 2 3 4]) As above, with initial noise reduction using a median filter: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = sieve3d(x, 50, [4 8 16 32 64], 'mcccc', [0 1 2 3 4]) As above, but producing band pass outputs with granule fusing: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = sieve3d(x, 50, [4 8 16 32 64], 'mcccc', [0 1 2 3 4],'f')
Program name: SieveCTScans Authors: GDT + PS Date: 15/09/2011
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalMSERUtility2( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) To be compatible with ConnectedSets.m (i.e. the plotting axis) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
extremalTreeUtility2 - Copy.m
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility2( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) To be compatible with ConnectedSets.m (i.e. the plotting axis) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility2( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) To be compatible with ConnectedSets.m (i.e. the plotting axis) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function showGranules Toggle views of significant granules
Program name: SIEVESECT Authors: GDT + PS Date: 15/09/2011
[Y1 Y2 ... Ym] = siv2d_m(X, [M1 M2 ... Mn], 'F1F2 ... Fn', [O1 O2 ... On], type, N, Levels) CALLS the mex code SIV2d.* To get a sequence of outputs call SIVE2d directly Perform a 2-D connected-set datasieve based on area. X : uint8, input image Mk : maximum mesh (scale, area of extrema) for each filter Fk : filter type (m, o, c, M or N) [default: m] Ok : output index for each filter [default: 1 for last filter] type : type of output (l, b, e, g, f or v) [default: l] N : connectivity (4 or 8) [default: 4] EP : parameters for selecting extrema [Levels,Ratio] Levels : number of finite levels in image [default: 256] Ratio : typically 5 [default: 1] MinArea: typically 4 [default: 1] MaxArea: typically 1000 [default: 1000] MinAmp : typically 4 [default: 0] Yj : output image(j) from a filter FILTERS The input image is processed using one or more filters Fk, applied sequentially, up to the associated maximum meshes Mk. The available filters are: m : median (maxima & minima processed in arbitrary order) o : opening (only maxima processed, c.f. maximally stable extreme regions ) c : closing (only minima processed, c.f. maximally stable extreme regions) M : open-close (maxima then minima processed at each scale) N : close-open (minima then maxima processed at each scale) For each filter, the result may optionally be output by specifying the index of the desired output argument as the input Ok (where Ok=1 represents the first output argument). If Ok=0 then no output is generated for filter Fk. TYPE OF OUTPUT The available output types are: l : low-pass b : band-pass f : band-pass with granule fusing e : band-pass, returning edge map g : granule list v : verbose, i.e. main data structure of engine where the band-pass output is the difference between the outputs of the current filter and the previous filter (or the input image) in the sequence of filters. The same output type must be used for each filter. The granule output list format is a cell array containing the following data: For example: Number: 3 (number of granules) area: [1 5 9] value: [18 7 11] level: [255 237 230] deltaArea: [4 4 4] last_area: [400 80 44] root: [76 76 76] PictureElement: {[77] [77 94 60 78 76] [77 95 61 93 59 94 60 78 76]} e.g. data.g.PictureElement{3} contains indexes to the pixels that formed the granule Note that producing multiple low or band pass outputs in this way is much more efficient than calling the sieve function several times with different meshes. Memory requirements are about 18 bytes per image pel. EXAMPLES: Filter up to mesh 100 using a median sieve, and generate a low pass output: Y = SIV2d(x, 100) or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm') or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm', 1) or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm', 1, 'l') or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm', 1, 'l',4) or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm', 1, 'l',4,[256,4,5]) Filter up to mesh 10 using a median sieve, then up to mesh 100 using an opening operator, and output the band pass signal between meshes 11 and 100: Y = SIV2d(x, [10 100], 'mo', [0 1], 'b') Form a sequence of low pass outputs using closing operators: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = SIV2d(x, [8 16 32 64], 'cccc', [1 2 3 4]) As above, with initial noise reduction using a median filter: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = SIV2d(x, [4 8 16 32 64], 'mcccc', [0 1 2 3 4]) Outputting granules (extrema) from an image with a maximum of 64 levels and a selection ratio of 4: Extrema = SIV2d(x, [4 8 16 32 64], 'mcccc', [0 1 2 3 4], 'g',[64,4]) FILE SIV2d/SIV2d.m AUTHOR rwy Cambridge Consultants (project leader and algorithms J.A. Bangham, UEA) MODIFICATION HISTORY 1.1 02:jun:95 rwy First version submitted to SCCS. 1.2 26:jun:95 rwy Extended for open, close, M & N sieves. 1.3 27:jul:95 rwy Allows bandpass outputs & granule fusing 1.4 03:aug:95 rwy Minor revision. 1.5 09:aug:95 rwy Added granule output. 1.6 14:sep:95 rwy Added edge map output. 2.0 01/01/2013 jab Updated to 64 bit and includes additional outputs SVN IDENTIFIER sieve2d.m 1.6 9/14/95 SIV2d.m 2.0 01/01/2013
[X,Y]=ind2sub(size(imOut),find(imOut>-1)); X=reshape(X,size(imOut)); Y=reshape(Y,size(imOut)); surf(X,Y,double(imOut)/256,'EdgeColor','none');
Overloaded methods: classregtree/test
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy\sieveCode
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (2)
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (2)\sieveCode
[X,Y]=ind2sub(size(imOut),find(imOut>-1)); X=reshape(X,size(imOut)); Y=reshape(Y,size(imOut)); surf(X,Y,double(imOut)/256,'EdgeColor','none');
Overloaded methods: classregtree/test
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (3)
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (3)\sieveCode
[X,Y]=ind2sub(size(imOut),find(imOut>-1)); X=reshape(X,size(imOut)); Y=reshape(Y,size(imOut)); surf(X,Y,double(imOut)/256,'EdgeColor','none');
Overloaded methods: classregtree/test
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (4)
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function showGranules Toggle views of significant granules
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (4)\sieveCode
[X,Y]=ind2sub(size(imOut),find(imOut>-1)); X=reshape(X,size(imOut)); Y=reshape(Y,size(imOut)); surf(X,Y,double(imOut)/256,'EdgeColor','none');
Overloaded methods: classregtree/test
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (5)
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (5)\Images
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function showGranules Toggle views of significant granules
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (5)\sieveCode
[X,Y]=ind2sub(size(imOut),find(imOut>-1)); X=reshape(X,size(imOut)); Y=reshape(Y,size(imOut)); surf(X,Y,double(imOut)/256,'EdgeColor','none');
Overloaded methods: classregtree/test
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (6)
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (6)\Images
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (6)\Snapshots
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function showGranules Toggle views of significant granules
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (6)\sieveCode
[X,Y]=ind2sub(size(imOut),find(imOut>-1)); X=reshape(X,size(imOut)); Y=reshape(Y,size(imOut)); surf(X,Y,double(imOut)/256,'EdgeColor','none');
Overloaded methods: classregtree/test
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (7)
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (7)\Images
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (7)\Snapshots
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility2( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) To be compatible with ConnectedSets.m (i.e. the plotting axis) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function showGranules Toggle views of significant granules
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (7)\sieveCode
[X,Y]=ind2sub(size(imOut),find(imOut>-1)); X=reshape(X,size(imOut)); Y=reshape(Y,size(imOut)); surf(X,Y,double(imOut)/256,'EdgeColor','none');
Overloaded methods: classregtree/test
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\SIV_TestC_20130410
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\SIV_TestC_20130410\directory_of_images_for_SIV
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\SIV_TestD_20130410
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\SIV_TestD_20130410\directory_of_images_for_SIV
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\SIV_testA_20130410
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\SIV_testB_20130410
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\SIV_testB_20130410\directory_of_images_for_SIV
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\SIV_test_20130410
Program name: SieveCTScans Authors: GDT + PS Date: 15/09/2011
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\Snapshots
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\directory_of_images_for_SIV
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalMSERUtility2( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) To be compatible with ConnectedSets.m (i.e. the plotting axis) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTree( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
extremalTreeUtility2 - Copy.m
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility2( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) To be compatible with ConnectedSets.m (i.e. the plotting axis) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function [ imOut, granules, regions ] = extremalTreeUtility2( ( N ,siz, positions,diameters,graded) ) To be compatible with ConnectedSets.m (i.e. the plotting axis) data.showText Display a tree representation of a greyscale im
function showGranules Toggle views of significant granules
C:\Users\AB\DArT_Toolshed\Algorithms\Sieve\UpdatedSieve - Copy (8)\sieveCode
Program name: SIEVESECT Authors: GDT + PS Date: 15/09/2011
[Y1 Y2 ... Ym] = siv2d_m(X, [M1 M2 ... Mn], 'F1F2 ... Fn', [O1 O2 ... On], type, N, Levels) CALLS the mex code SIV2d.* To get a sequence of outputs call SIVE2d directly Perform a 2-D connected-set datasieve based on area. X : uint8, input image Mk : maximum mesh (scale, area of extrema) for each filter Fk : filter type (m, o, c, M or N) [default: m] Ok : output index for each filter [default: 1 for last filter] type : type of output (l, b, e, g, f or v) [default: l] N : connectivity (4 or 8) [default: 4] EP : parameters for selecting extrema [Levels,Ratio] Levels : number of finite levels in image [default: 256] Ratio : typically 5 [default: 1] MinArea: typically 4 [default: 1] MaxArea: typically 1000 [default: 1000] MinAmp : typically 4 [default: 0] Yj : output image(j) from a filter FILTERS The input image is processed using one or more filters Fk, applied sequentially, up to the associated maximum meshes Mk. The available filters are: m : median (maxima & minima processed in arbitrary order) o : opening (only maxima processed, c.f. maximally stable extreme regions ) c : closing (only minima processed, c.f. maximally stable extreme regions) M : open-close (maxima then minima processed at each scale) N : close-open (minima then maxima processed at each scale) For each filter, the result may optionally be output by specifying the index of the desired output argument as the input Ok (where Ok=1 represents the first output argument). If Ok=0 then no output is generated for filter Fk. TYPE OF OUTPUT The available output types are: l : low-pass b : band-pass f : band-pass with granule fusing e : band-pass, returning edge map g : granule list v : verbose, i.e. main data structure of engine where the band-pass output is the difference between the outputs of the current filter and the previous filter (or the input image) in the sequence of filters. The same output type must be used for each filter. The granule output list format is a cell array containing the following data: For example: Number: 3 (number of granules) area: [1 5 9] value: [18 7 11] level: [255 237 230] deltaArea: [4 4 4] last_area: [400 80 44] root: [76 76 76] PictureElement: {[77] [77 94 60 78 76] [77 95 61 93 59 94 60 78 76]} e.g. data.g.PictureElement{3} contains indexes to the pixels that formed the granule Note that producing multiple low or band pass outputs in this way is much more efficient than calling the sieve function several times with different meshes. Memory requirements are about 18 bytes per image pel. EXAMPLES: Filter up to mesh 100 using a median sieve, and generate a low pass output: Y = SIV2d(x, 100) or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm') or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm', 1) or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm', 1, 'l') or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm', 1, 'l',4) or Y = SIV2d(x, 100, 'm', 1, 'l',4,[256,4,5]) Filter up to mesh 10 using a median sieve, then up to mesh 100 using an opening operator, and output the band pass signal between meshes 11 and 100: Y = SIV2d(x, [10 100], 'mo', [0 1], 'b') Form a sequence of low pass outputs using closing operators: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = SIV2d(x, [8 16 32 64], 'cccc', [1 2 3 4]) As above, with initial noise reduction using a median filter: [Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4] = SIV2d(x, [4 8 16 32 64], 'mcccc', [0 1 2 3 4]) Outputting granules (extrema) from an image with a maximum of 64 levels and a selection ratio of 4: Extrema = SIV2d(x, [4 8 16 32 64], 'mcccc', [0 1 2 3 4], 'g',[64,4]) FILE SIV2d/SIV2d.m AUTHOR rwy Cambridge Consultants (project leader and algorithms J.A. Bangham, UEA) MODIFICATION HISTORY 1.1 02:jun:95 rwy First version submitted to SCCS. 1.2 26:jun:95 rwy Extended for open, close, M & N sieves. 1.3 27:jul:95 rwy Allows bandpass outputs & granule fusing 1.4 03:aug:95 rwy Minor revision. 1.5 09:aug:95 rwy Added granule output. 1.6 14:sep:95 rwy Added edge map output. 2.0 01/01/2013 jab Updated to 64 bit and includes additional outputs SVN IDENTIFIER sieve2d.m 1.6 9/14/95 SIV2d.m 2.0 01/01/2013
[X,Y]=ind2sub(size(imOut),find(imOut>-1)); X=reshape(X,size(imOut)); Y=reshape(Y,size(imOut)); surf(X,Y,double(imOut)/256,'EdgeColor','none');
Overloaded methods: classregtree/test
function [ im, granules, regions ] = testCard( verbose,N,siz, positions,diameters,graded,amplitudeverbose) N, number of objects siz, rectangle with edges of length siz positions, positions as a fraction of siz, N rows of x,y; pairs diameters, diameters of spots as fraction of siz, N rows. If negative a quarter arc. amplitude, amplitude as fraction of half intensity (the backround). Minus denonotes minima graded, true means spots will be intensity cones, false uniform spots im resulting image regions, list of N regions regions(i).x regions(i).y regions(i).diameter Usage [imOut,granules]=testCard(1,7,[0.5,0.5],0.5,true) imOut=5*ones(7,7);imOut(2:3,2)=1;imOut(2,5:6)=10;imOut(4,5:6)=12;imOut(6,4:6)=13;imOut(2,3)=7;imOut(4,2)=7 v=sieve2d(imOut,5,'o',1,'v',4,1);